Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"gag" day

It's here again. That holiday that only exists because of Hallmark cards and 1-800-Flowers. In the past, I've hidden from this day like it's the Plague. What single lady wants to think about how single she is while all her friends are out being swept off their feet by their Prince Charming's? The answer is "none." In college, I referred to this day as "Gag" Day. I only liked "Gag" day because we usually had a Valentine's grab-a-date and it gave me an excuse to buy a new dress. This year, things are a little different.

Despite the fact that I have a boyfriend, I will be spending "Gag" day with a few single ladies in Raleigh. Am I upset about Chris being in New Orleans? Not at all. In fact, it gives me an excuse to drink too much wine and gossip way too much with a few friends I rarely see and get a mani/pedi that is funded by my guy.

Even though I have someone, Valentine's day isn't an important holiday to me. I'd rather have someone surprise me on a random day, say March 8th with a card and a flower. That's when it means more. Guys feel like their expected to do something on February 14th and who wants a gift to be given to them that's not being given with love?

And I'll let you know how my "single ladies" weekend for you Chris, enjoy New Orleans!!!!

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