Friday, December 18, 2009


The past week...month...actually, year, has been a whirlwind. But seriously, where did December go? December has also brought random stresses. Like getting used to a different schedule (yes, I am the worlds worst when it comes to not liking the unexpected.) Also, new job=no Christmas vacation. This will be the quickest Christmas ever and it is actually very depressing. But on the up side - we have an awesome New Year's trip to Memphis planned and I'm so excited about that.

But in more news - Chris' grand-daddy passed away on Monday. He lived 85 wonderful years, but death is never an easy thing for those of us still on Earth. It's hard to see a grown man (Chris) cry and it's even harder when you're not able to go home with him and support him when he needs you most because of your new job and once again, no leave available. But I did what I had to do. I did manage to make it to the visitation and see his family. It was a short visit and it made for a long Thursday but it was totally worth it. Especially after what he did for me in March when Poppi died.

Now, in exciting news: Christmas is exactly ONE week away. YAY!!!!! Andddddd on top of that, tonight is date night. Apparently there are some surprises involved because I've been instructed to call when I leave work. It's been awhile since date night due to the busy whirlwind that November and December have been. But I guess there's a lesson in this - savor the time you do have. Sometimes I get caught up so much in how much chaos is in our lives that I forget to just live in the moment and enjoy the time I get with Chris that's uninterrupted. I guess that's human nature to an extent, but I want to enjoy what time I have with him...even if it's only one weekend in the whirlwind of December.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Goodbye and Hello

Today is the last day at the WCHD. Tomorrow is the first day at the NCHD. Wow. Nothing like taking some time off.

I am filled with all sorts of emotion. Part of me is so excited to begin a new chapter of life. And another part of me is scared of the unknown. Will I make new friends? Will I be able to live up to their expectations? Did I make the right decision?

I have to trust that I did make the right decision. To be honest, the fact that I can sleep until 6:30am (I'm usually almost to work at this point) and actually eat breakfast somewhere besides my desk at work is worth all the nervousness in the world. Tonight I can stay up until 10pm if I want and know that I won't feel awful in the morning. I can actually go to the gym when normal people do. To be honest, I'm excited.

In other news - this past Friday I said "Hello" to Christmas tree season. Officially marks the beginning of the holidays. I'm sad I don't have a house to have my own tree to decorate, but it's heartwarming to see all the families that stop by to get their Watson Christmas Tree (only the best). This Friday I'll head back to Lumberton for some more tree-action - I'm sad to be missing the ECU game but don't you worry, I'll have a mimosa in hand come game time and I'll be rockin' the purple and gold. (They've all been warned). In fact, us missing this game makes me smile, because I know that Chris is dedicated to his family and that he's needed to help at the Christmas tree lot. So - I'm going to be there to support him and have fun with the Watson's. Hey - Christmas only happens once - and I've seen MANY football games this year...

So...get in the Christmas spirit and GOOOOOOOO PIRATESSSS!!!!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Give Thanks.

I honestly can't believe Turkey Week is here. It seems like just yesterday I was eating delicious food and laughing with family and experiencing my first year on the Watson Christmas Tree lot. But another year has gone by and once again, I have so much to be thankful for. I think too many times we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season and forget to go back to basics.

So what am I thankful for? Lots.
- My faith. I'm not the best at attending church these days, but I know that the Lord is responsible for all the blessings that are in my life.
- My family. They're always there for me. Oh, and they make me laugh no matter what.
- Chris. He's been a constant source of love and I don't know where I'd be without him (not in Rocky Mount, that's for sure - justttt kidding).
- Coffee. No, it's not vital for my survival. But goodness me, I sure love that cup of joe in the morning.
- Facebook. Call me crazy, but it's the only way to stay in touch with my crazy brothers.
- Date nights. They keep me sane.

That's just a start. What are you thankful for this year?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More than just the leaves are changing...

Where do I start? Well, I'll just tell you - I got a new job. I start December 1st. I officially resigned from my current job today, meaning my last day will be November 30th. I never was one to allow myself much of a transition. I'm going to be working in Nash County - hello, 7 minute commute, goodbye, 50 minute commute. Needless to say, no job is perfect. But this is a step in the right from the beginning....

I saw the posting, I ignored it. I ran across it again and decided that I was dumb not to apply. Currently I'm spending upwards of 8 hours a week driving to and from work. Ridiculous. So I applied. I got an interview and within 8 hours they were calling to see if they could check my references. That meant, I had to make my boss aware that I had applied and interviewed for another job. I was scared, nervous and excited. And I survived. Then a week later, yesterday, I was offered the job. Needless to say, I took it.

I'm closing one door of my life but I'm hoping many more will open. It's a time for change. And I like it.

(and if you're wondering...this is not another STD/sex ed position - I'm going to be working to promote breast cancer awareness/outreach - all funded by the Komen Foundation)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

lovin' my bod

If you know me, you know that I love "national days." In fact, if you really know me, you know that I sometimes send texts to let you know what the current "national day" is. Consider this your text.

It's National Love Your Body Day. And to make things even better, it's "No Fat-Talk Week." Go to YouTube and search...there's a great video that Tri Delt has put on the web.

But back to the holiday. I know for a fact that I spend way too much time thinking about what I'd change about my body if I could. I'd have a different stomach (Jennifter Aniston's, please), more toned arms (Kelly Ripa's, thank you very much) and a better butt (Jessica Biel's would work)... But why? My body is wonderful the way it is. In fact, it's better now than it ever has been. In fact, my body is probably one that some women envy. But I constantly tear myself down and judge every aspect of my body that isn't perfect. NEWS FLASH!!! No one, I repeat, no one, has a perfect body. Even Carrie Underwood has flaws (even though her legs are amazing...okay, that wasn't necessary).

What's crazy is that I talk to middle school and high schools kids every day about self-esteem and body image and yet sometimes I forget that I'm guilty of tearing down my own self-esteem. Like I tell my students, you are your biggest critic. You put yourself down more than anyone else. So STOP. Pull out a sheet of paper and make a list (I love lists, refer to blog #1). Make a list of everything you LOVE about yourself. Include physical aspects and personality traits that you just adore about yourself. I'll start.

1. I love my calves. They're big...but boy do they look good in heels.
2. My laugh. It's loud and it may annoy you, but I love it. Laughter cures a lot.
3. Lush eye lashes. I get compliments all the time. They are great. Especially with a lot of mascara.
4. My arms. I'm starting to see definition that I've never seen before and they are beautiful.

Just because you can name things you love about yourself doesn't mean that you are self-centered or "stuck on yourself." In fact, it means you're confident in who you are. You're comfortable in your skin. So your challenge from now on is to make every day "National Love Your Body Day" and to celebrate the body you have...because guess what? It's the only one you have.

Monday, October 12, 2009

i'm going home.

The past month sure has flown by. Weekend updates (since I do nothing exciting Monday-Thursday)...there have been some ECU games (not all wins unfortunately), there was a weekend in Hatteras full of pig and fun and then this past weekend we stayed around town...I had to work Saturday (boooooo) and then a spent some time in Urgent Care for some random allergic reaction that would have laughed in the face of Benedryl. Needless to say, it was an itchy weekend full of welps all over my body. If you'd like pictures, please ask me to text you the glorious pics of my neck, back and stomach.

But moving right along....Chris has been traveling a lot lately (boooooo, again) but it's his job....he's been everywhere from Seattle to Houston to Columbia and everywhere else in between the East and West coast. Him traveling makes the weeks go by super slow, but it makes the weekends especially enjoyable because I know I need to cherish the time we do get to spend together.

And moving on again....HOMECOMING is this weekend!!!! I'm so excited to get to see people that I don't get to see very often. Unfortunately, most of the "A-team" can't make it this year (booooooooo) but I do get to see Ms. Katherine!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! So I'm hoping that ECU will pull out a win so that my dear sweet boyfriend will want to celebrate at the bars after the game....we've become old folk and don't normally make it out after games. I promise to provide plenty of pictures of tailgating, game time and post game.

I know, this blog was nothing special, but I just wanted to catch you up to speed...I promise to blog more...and in less than a month.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Self Diagnosis.

Don't get me wrong. I love my life. In fact, I'm so blessed that I can't believe I'm writing this post, but I have to. Something has just seemed "off" these past few months. It's as if I'm wishing away my life and feeling that Monday-Thursday are horrible, no-good, very bad days. I've diagnosed myself. Quarter Life Crisis. I saw the following on another site and it hit me me like a brick...I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm going through a stage in life that will (hopefully) pass soon.

Some of the symptoms of a Quarter Life Crisis:
(I've colored the ones that pertain to me in purple and I've made peanut gallery comments in green for your enjoyment)
  • feeling “not good enough” because one can’t find a job that is at one’s academic/intellectual level - I have my Masters.
  • frustration with the working world, and finding a suitable job or career - and I commute 100 miles every single day. Oh, and did I mention that I get up at 5am every morning.
  • confusion of identity
  • insecurity regarding the near future - this goes back to the whole "job" thing...and the fact that I'm a nomad who lives out of her car.
  • insecurity concerning long-term plans, life goals - I know where I want to's just a matter of getting there.
  • insecurity regarding present accomplishments re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
  • lack of friendships or romantic relationships, sexual frustration, and involuntary celibacy disappointment with one’s job - my sexual life is perfectly fine, thank you very much. However, I wish my friends were closer and/or I wish I could live in the same town I work in so that I could make new friends.
  • tendency to hold stronger opinions - I've always done this...nothing new there.
  • boredom with social interactions - kind of, my life is so very boring Monday through Thursday.
  • financially-rooted stress (overwhelming college loans, unanticipated high cost of living, etc.) loneliness, depression and suicide
  • desire to have children
  • a sense that everyone is, somehow, doing better than you - I know, I know...the grass is always greener on the other side...but it still has to be mowed.
  • frustration with societal ills

So there you have it. My quarter-life crisis. I'm just hoping I can get over this before my mid-life crisis....