Monday, October 12, 2009

i'm going home.

The past month sure has flown by. Weekend updates (since I do nothing exciting Monday-Thursday)...there have been some ECU games (not all wins unfortunately), there was a weekend in Hatteras full of pig and fun and then this past weekend we stayed around town...I had to work Saturday (boooooo) and then a spent some time in Urgent Care for some random allergic reaction that would have laughed in the face of Benedryl. Needless to say, it was an itchy weekend full of welps all over my body. If you'd like pictures, please ask me to text you the glorious pics of my neck, back and stomach.

But moving right along....Chris has been traveling a lot lately (boooooo, again) but it's his job....he's been everywhere from Seattle to Houston to Columbia and everywhere else in between the East and West coast. Him traveling makes the weeks go by super slow, but it makes the weekends especially enjoyable because I know I need to cherish the time we do get to spend together.

And moving on again....HOMECOMING is this weekend!!!! I'm so excited to get to see people that I don't get to see very often. Unfortunately, most of the "A-team" can't make it this year (booooooooo) but I do get to see Ms. Katherine!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! So I'm hoping that ECU will pull out a win so that my dear sweet boyfriend will want to celebrate at the bars after the game....we've become old folk and don't normally make it out after games. I promise to provide plenty of pictures of tailgating, game time and post game.

I know, this blog was nothing special, but I just wanted to catch you up to speed...I promise to blog more...and in less than a month.

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