Wednesday, October 21, 2009

lovin' my bod

If you know me, you know that I love "national days." In fact, if you really know me, you know that I sometimes send texts to let you know what the current "national day" is. Consider this your text.

It's National Love Your Body Day. And to make things even better, it's "No Fat-Talk Week." Go to YouTube and search...there's a great video that Tri Delt has put on the web.

But back to the holiday. I know for a fact that I spend way too much time thinking about what I'd change about my body if I could. I'd have a different stomach (Jennifter Aniston's, please), more toned arms (Kelly Ripa's, thank you very much) and a better butt (Jessica Biel's would work)... But why? My body is wonderful the way it is. In fact, it's better now than it ever has been. In fact, my body is probably one that some women envy. But I constantly tear myself down and judge every aspect of my body that isn't perfect. NEWS FLASH!!! No one, I repeat, no one, has a perfect body. Even Carrie Underwood has flaws (even though her legs are amazing...okay, that wasn't necessary).

What's crazy is that I talk to middle school and high schools kids every day about self-esteem and body image and yet sometimes I forget that I'm guilty of tearing down my own self-esteem. Like I tell my students, you are your biggest critic. You put yourself down more than anyone else. So STOP. Pull out a sheet of paper and make a list (I love lists, refer to blog #1). Make a list of everything you LOVE about yourself. Include physical aspects and personality traits that you just adore about yourself. I'll start.

1. I love my calves. They're big...but boy do they look good in heels.
2. My laugh. It's loud and it may annoy you, but I love it. Laughter cures a lot.
3. Lush eye lashes. I get compliments all the time. They are great. Especially with a lot of mascara.
4. My arms. I'm starting to see definition that I've never seen before and they are beautiful.

Just because you can name things you love about yourself doesn't mean that you are self-centered or "stuck on yourself." In fact, it means you're confident in who you are. You're comfortable in your skin. So your challenge from now on is to make every day "National Love Your Body Day" and to celebrate the body you have...because guess what? It's the only one you have.

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