Monday, June 15, 2009

deep blue sea.

I haven't posted in awhile (probably because I put my entire life on facebook) but that's me reeling in a dolphin. The thrill of being the one to bring a fish like that to the boat is something that wouldn't have interested me two years ago. Yet these days, my weekends consist of Hatteras, suntan lotion and sea sickness. That's right, that nauseous feeling that sucks. Last year I did not get sea sick once - and I went out in the double digits. This year, I've gone twice so far and so far I've gotten sea sick twice. So I'm on a new mission. I must find a cure for this. It is not okay. I will continue to go out 2o-plus miles but there's no way I can continue to feel sick and be forced to lay inside the boat for 6-plus hours. No way. Suggestions? Thoughts?

Also - if you've never seen a marlin in real life, it's unreal. They are one of the most amazing fish to me. Their eyes are HUGE and they are HUGE. I'm truly blessed to be able to go out into the deep blue sea and witness it first hand. I hope to never take it for granted. Also, if you ever get the chance to go - GO. Even if you're afraid of getting sea sick...GO.

So if you're wondering where I've been on the weekends for the past month and where I'll be the next couple months on the weekends, I'll be in Hatteras Heaven.

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