Wednesday, March 25, 2009

it's that time.

There is one, and only one, reason why I like college basketball. And that is because I can make it into a competition with brackets!!! This all started in middle school when a teacher said we could fill out the brackets and the winner got extra credit. I was all over that like white on rice...I love extra credit. Well, low and behold, the girl that never cared before about college basketball won...and got extra credit. This year, I'm hoping I win and get a) a bottle of wine from Karen and b) dinner at On the Square with Chris. Yep - I have two competitors this year.

My line up:

Louisville vs. Memphis and Pittsburgh vs. UNC in the Final Four

And then the National Championship...Louisville vs. UNC...and I'm praying that UNC goes down....

I've never been to Louisville....never cared for Louisville....but come April 6th, if they make it, I'll be the biggest fan out there.

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